Safety PSA: Don't Log Into ourWorld

Please take this message seriously.

Due to uncertain circumstances and state with ourWorld as for now, each and everyone of you are kindly advised to please stay off the game or log out right now from ourWorld to avoid any harm to your account. It has been found that there has been malicious activity across oW to attack certain players from not being able to access their accounts. Certain individuals locked players out via malicious code that altered the login credentials of players' accounts. Their accounts were not removed (either banned or deactivated), meaning you could still search the accounts' IGN, however the login credentials would be invalid.

To keep things as brief as possible, for your safety, I urge you to not log into ourWorld until it is okay to do so. Logging into ourWorld at this time can put your account at risk. Do yourself a favor and please do not log in until things have been cleared up. This post should serve as a safety public service announcement to help protect you, the player.


Thank you.


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