i normally log into my account on facebook, but it signed me out, so i signed in with my old email that i don't use anymore and the password i had always used for this account and it gave me an account that i've never used with some of the items that i had recieved as gifts,
peaches4301 i put a lot of money and time into that account so i would really like to be able to use it, i tried restting my password, i asked for help, but my connection went weird and i had to restart, after trying to find them, it said they weent on ourworld
peaches4301 i was literally just on it today
Kawaii Chann Old email? You sure you didn't use that for a different ourWorld account?
peaches4301 im sure, i have only used one email for ourworld and the only email i used was for one account that i have had since 2014 or so
Kawaii Chann Can you log into it normally? At all? Meaning from the oW site?
peaches4301 i recieved the emails for when i made payments on that email as well so i know i am definetly supposed to have my actual account as opposed to this stuff
Kawaii Chann Try logging into it normally. If you can, then you probably need to relink the correct account to your Facebook again
peaches4301 on top of that even when i took a break from ourworld i wasn't a level 20, i was a level 16, and after i came back i worked really hard to become a level 82
peaches4301 i only have one account
peaches4301 i can't relink my account if i cant access it
i always open ourworld through facebook and play there so i can get the flowboost
peaches4301 i tried reseting my password. i tried clearingmy cache, i cant think of anything else
peaches4301 i had to go through the ourworld site to get here and this is the account they allowed me to access
Kawaii Chann So did you make the account on Facebook? Or did you make it on ourWorld and THEN link it?
Try the Facebook email to get into it on ourWorld, I've had that happen
peaches4301 i made it on ourworld and then linked it, the facebook email and this are the same, ive been using the exact same facebook for all of these years
peaches4301 it says i just became a member today
peaches4301 i still remember my password to the old email, so i went into it to see and my facebook notification emails along with payment confirmations were in there, ive only had one facebook profile and one ourworld profile.
Epic Daria You should most deffinetly fill a help ticketed on here. There must have been some switch up between accounts or account info. If that's the same email, two accounts must have somehow linked together. It can't possibly be that the data of the account changed. Maybe you used some different email on the main one? Maybe it got banned. A good tip is trying to check the account's profile. If it wasn't private, and now is, it may be ban and they put another linked account on now free email. But really, just file a help ticket with all evidance. Make sure to make detailed report.
Mezzalunaxe I can't access my character with my facebook account :(
thedeadraver You guys are better off not playing directly on Facebook if this keeps happening
Sempiternal Love yeah that seemingly happens a lot because facebook is its own platform in itself its hard for them to tell unless you have made the account first on the actual ourworld site and then connected it to your facebook. best of luck. sorry that happened to you. Mezzalunaxe and peaches4301