How much of a flow boost can you get from being married? My first marriage I had a 10% flow boost and me and my spouse were both in our level 20's. I have gotten remarried, but this time my spouse is level 63 and I'm level 33 and the flow boost is 13%. Is the boost affected by level? Or is it just random?
iFab lt surely is by Level and Adoption. My Flow Boost used to be 365% When l had 5 Children, And So did my Spouse, And so Did my Parents, And so Did my Spouse's Parents. Don't get too confused. LOL. Oh and, Each of the Children we had, Were over level 200+. And We were ln about level 298 or something. Unless l got hacked.
Lily684 ...
Happy2BTacky ..
lilla123 however it is affected by the level or how much you use your flow
lola1219 its just like that it counts on how much u talk u get a little for getting together but not much cuz the first time u get a lot but 2 not much
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