Won't it be great if gems transferring feature is enabled in Ourworld? Then players will be able to help their Ourworld friends in the times they are in short of gems.I know that people may take advantage of this feature by creating several accounts. But i think It can be a great system.
ZuhyneZine Yaa I too think that it will be really Great!
LizzeSkyGaming yes It would be awesome I will message ourworld this!!
Andreey its would be cool :D
DeathAngel I agree
xDøvah Samiha,
This isn't as great of feature as you may think. This promotes account theft. If anyone can just transfer Gems from one account to another, scammers and thieves will profit from this.
barbie luv i agree
ForcedReflection yes
Hell Angel XP it would be great but too bad that ourworld doesnt allow this
but dont forget also that would create so many scammers
FlanneI I agree that this would be a great idea. The only way I think that it would ever be made available was if their were heavy restrictions on it to prevent scamming Good thought though!
07 09 2015 It'll be a great feature in the game.
Trading gems for items would be amazing too.
tyvm this honestly should be a thing cause everyone wants gems
allcool yes
Lost Candy Although this would be a great feature, there would be more scamming and thieves made on Ourworld. Although if there was a feature such as this where people had to be a certain level (on both accounts) to transfer the gems and there was some sort of email verification by the owner giving gems then yes this could possibly work out.
ExcuseME I don't think it's an good idea too many problems will happen between players, and there will be too many complains that players who transfer to another players and they scam them..
Ms Nody 8D Well the idea itself has a good purpose, but then the game owners would eventually become broke because of the negative usage. You see each time you verify a new account to your email you get 10 gems, even if they are all verified to the same email. Same as nesting, people wouldn't mind making new accounts over and over again to earn gems/coins. If this actually happens, no one would buy residencies and Zoe's clubs again, same for gems. This means no money and no money=no game lmao. I hope you understand my point. Otherwise, I like your purpose of the idea. (:
Panda Marceline I would love that, but yes SCAMS SCAMS SCAMS and.. MORE SCAMSSSSSSSSSSSS.
With that idea, i would like for u to get a request, something like
Person 1 Wants to transferr 10 gems to ur account
Sipping Guys I need help, I know it's irrelevant to this post but I couldn't find anything else for me to comment this about. I lost the email of my account named SippingOnGinseng. I know the password aswell but I do not know the email.... It's terrible that you can not sign in with a username I really need back my account. Please help and thanks for reading.
Frederike To be honest, i think it's not a very good idea. It's pretty much theft and yes... moremoremoremore scammers will be out there. We need less of them, not more. More scammers will make this community worse, not any better.