Im on level 16 and i think that since level 12 or something i have had a challenge from zoe about saving and sending a photo to a freind.I have tried to do so many times but i cant figure out how to do it .I would really like some help.
Mother Love Bone all you have to do is go to your album, select whatever picture then click send or email, i believe its located under your popularity points. then you just enter whoevers email and send it. hope this helps.
Jemmetria Welcome to ourWorld! Glad you're enjoying yourself and doing challenges. Zoe's were always my favourite! First, use the camera button (in between your dance moves and row of online friends). Take a picture of your avatar, or something awesome you see on ourWorld, and it'll save into your photo album. Then go to your album, choose your photo by putting a check on it, go to email (right across from "Album - All"), and enter your friend's email and create a custom message. Then just click 'Send' and you're all set!
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