okay i am quiting and i have a spare credit card. Since i am qutting i want to give back to the ourworld community! I will buy u guys gems! It seems much but not really. follow these instructions! I am happy to help u!
1. send your account to this email: themostawesomegirl64@gmail.com
2. dont send a noob account because it shows that its fake, so if you want gems make sure its at least passed level 30-40 like seriously.
3. within 5 days i will gift this account, i have to go to school guys, so it will take that long. If you somehow interfere, it wont work! so skip ourworld for a few days.
4. When the five days end, open up ur account and you will find the gems i bought you.
5. if you dont want to do this and u think its a scam i dont care.
6. ourworld is a good place, i am not here to steal accounts
7. i am leaving to thats why i want to give back to ourworld!
thanks for everything on ourworld guys! i will be leaving so make sure you wish me luck in the real world lol.
Helheim You don't need an account's information to give them gems. I am reporting you for malicious activity and trying to scam people. If you really wanted to gift people, you can do it by going to their profile->"Gift"->"Buy Gems".
Helheim Little Einstein
While I appreciate you agreeing with me, there was no point in spamming this topic.
Little Einstein yea what she said don't ever hack into anyone account u have your own account
cassiedilla df
xDøvah ok no:
In regards to Katattack's comment on Little Einstein spamming, please review over her large comment of random letters/characters.
katiecute14 can u gift me gems my name is katiecute14
pls add me :) -
IEmilyI Guys dont arguee shes trying to do something nice.
IEmilyI Just sent you an email. My ourworld name is HAPPYYY
Sam Salt I smell a scam.
I am also reporting you, as you don't need our account info in order to send us gems, just simply gift and buy gems.
And to all the people who think she's trying to be nice, you won't think that when she hacks your account. Don't trust this one ppl, this is a scam.
meawesome can u plz buy gems 4 me my account name is meawesome
meawesome may i have ur account since ur leaving not meaning 2 b rude btw
Krisrina9316760 Well I don't think this is logically accurate what so ever because u don't need peeps info just to buy them gems thank you very much SCAM
Shychick29 I agree with Katattack she's a scammer don't believe every word She'll say she might try & delete your account.
Mistyy this is scam reporting u sorry but u should not try scam.
Mistyy And yea u just go to profile and click wish list or gifts u don't need info she can take ur account try to get u deleted off don't trusta scam like this
Mistyy trust*
kalis shes a scam u can gift ppl gems and u don't need there info she even used the thing that most ppl want gems to just scam them
ForeverAPickle she is a scam you can gift gems you dont need info
SmartHo Katattack
Little Einstein didn't spam this topic
She was simply agreeing. -
Little Einstein kjuykyfttrrjtkfk;m,fgnklhdrltmyklrjt.,mghkjr;lklfdlkdfhlidrj,mnbfgkxhmf;kjh.fgmhklfgo;jmydtjilrdl/krtdotjk;l,tldrjmfgnkjserlrtkldjolidrt k.gdjmskdhrge,yi45ukuszjglruiytlktrjeyigtqljnhauyrghabsklersyaaw rhwgi7rekherhyujgrs,khresygiwerl;kgewrijsalujau ehwlkrwajklfeaghewlewi.ufjcoyudoeurfofysoedorpuspdi'yhkf[dfkf;'dor/ox'dfgyp;rtf,g[.,tgprt
edlm,f';glhlt]tlg'JK;git'to9rt;/gfi;djkgflduilreueorsgilkdxfjhiogjksetj897eriyuriodtuyioeruyoirtuiyoutiorwuyrjkts;sdflkjgdxot;kasdvgiyusrl76 pOfeigliuyeu473iegtdgfrykfcsjefkuerhdwjkljhg54ilk4thiewfukfuesjkfrreuo8ptghrjgoiugp9ok