I want them to get rid of the clothing limit because I like to buy new clothes but it says my inventory is full.
XxskaylarXx Me too. And make stuff CHEAPER!!
Lisa StormHeart yeah XxskaylarxX it SHOULD be cheaper!
Lisa StormHeart and the upgrades are just a WASTE of gems.
kl21464 I agree. I spent 60 gems upgrading my clothing capacity. It took my gems but didn't upgrade the capacity.
kl21464 And wouldn't it be more of a benefit to ourworld to give us unlimited clothing capacity? People would be more likely to spend gems if they knew they didn't have a limit...
Lisa StormHeart and like I wasted perfectly good gems that I could have spent on something else on an upgrade and I have almost exceeded it AGAIN!!!
Lisa StormHeart and now I HAVE exceeded it again ourworld we are against you till you do this
harrishen u can trade in marketplace with someone for a clothing inventory or just save up to buy one.
xDøvah Lisa8,
Please note that your clothing inventory will only decrease in space from items bought with Coins. Any clothing item bought with Gems will not take up space.
harrishen wrote: "u can trade in marketplace with someone for a clothing** inventory_"_**
Like Harrishen said, you can trade with people via Marketplace who are offering a clothing inventory increase.