I think you should be able to sleep on a bed like when u click on a bed you get the choice of sitting on the bed or sleeping on it.....and these beds can like cost gems... lots as an 100+
SuicidalPoptart Yes. I have been wondering why I could only sit on the beds since I was 9. <(~.~<)
Ms Teenager XD Yah they should make that kinda bed... cuz beds are for lying not sitting... What's it for a bed if you can't sleep on it!! But the price as you said 100+ is too much... If they make such a bed the price should be above 40-50 gems..
Pikachu XD I think it should have it on all the beds. Some people sit on the bed and go -sleeps- But they are just sat down!! Lol
CrookedBlackCat I agree with Ms Teenager XD and Pikachu XD...Maybe it could be both combined...It could be better maybe..
Myrna well this is not imvu XD.
musa12 the idea of laying on the bed is good but the prize of the bed is so bad can you tell me who will buy a bed with 100 gem?! if i have this amount of gems i would buy a new room or a nebula crystal case or something like this.
Lisa StormHeart 2 people should be allowed on 1 bed if there r 2 pillows and 1if there only 1 pillow
Luna la Luna Stupid because if you want to sit, you can just by a chair and it costs less.
ArrinaBaby Is there really a purpose to buy a bed that expensive and then lie down in it when you are going to get right back up? Good idea but why don't they just make every bed either to were you can sit or sleep?
cxiigirlavery I wish it was imvu on here it's more fun than here
Lisa StormHeart yeah we should be able to lie down
UGHH I have found a way to do that while making a video with GREEN SCREEN. You can come to my condo : u r dumb and if you do a laying down action, use green screen and crop yourself onto the bed.
Reckless4Life Not a bad idea...BUT
Isn't it obviously why players aren't allowed to actually lay on the beds?!
For one it wouldn't be appropriate because we alllllllll know what happens in beds ...and i am not referring to sleep! LOL
no wayy ourworld would ever allow players to lay down on a bad together!
mymelodyhk @JordynnBabii I agree with your statement. Some people take ourWorld's bfs and gfs a little too..............."carried away". I just think some people take having a bf/gf too far, and for some people, it makes them uncomfortable and disturbed. I know a HUGE group who quit ourWorld because people were taking their relationships too far. So I suggest NO two people in the bed!!!!!
FoxyPirate1987 I don't think that's a good idea. People will make it wrong if two people lie on the bed. (which might not mean sleeping) So it won't be a very good idea for that to happen
TempName1234 Come on guys we all know why this feature wasn't "embedded" since day one.
xxAverykaylax167 They should put a sleep button on there.
Fairytail112233 Yea good idea
Lady Elvira Really good idea because then if someone owns a hotel or something we could sleep or something
Lisa StormHeart You could edit it into a picture... just do an OW move where your on the ground (like jump back) or stand and you can rotate the pic, snip yourself, snip a picture of your OW bedroom, and copy yourself onto the bed :)
XxRebelationxX no not that many gems .-. that wud be retarded
alison21 we should lay on the bed only fair sit on a couch with some one and a bed with someone
Lost Candy Although this is a good idea, I don't think it will ever be added into the gameplay because of inappropriate outcomes. For obvious reasons, ourworld has and probably never will decide to place this into the game considering there is not a single reason to "sleep". Condos are simply for hanging out in and not actually putting your avatar to sleep, this isn't webkinz.
Yoda I soo agree with the idea of sleeping in the beds. I do not understand how it is not appropriate though because your not like doing it, your just laying in bed :3 then again people will find a way *sigh*