Well there are 3 shovels in OW but there should be a gem shovel it should be bought by coins not that expensive but it would not give that much prophet
like its highest amount of gems will be 10-20
Well there are 3 shovels in OW but there should be a gem shovel it should be bought by coins not that expensive but it would not give that much prophet
like its highest amount of gems will be 10-20
when is gem shuvel
a gem shovel...this is a good idea
ya its really a good i dea i hope ourworld stuff take a dessiction and also i cant chat buy items trade see people in ourworld can any one help?
kk.. :)
it will never happen!!!!!!!!! if it did it will be like 1000 gems or 10,000,000,000 coins!!!!!
Never gun happen o__o NEVER
i soooo wish there was a gem shovel
they need to make one
The Gem Shovel will never come out because if it did it would ruin all business for OW itself because they would not make any money at all.
OW is NEVER be that nice
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i agree they shovel have a gem shovel up to 1000000 gems a day but it should cost 100$$ just saying gift me winter god hair or bubble gum or just trade with me gift me whatever u want but can it be something i could wear lol
if you made it a super rare item too! making it more difficult for ppl to save gems, forceing many to buy gem first
Never gonna happen -_- if it happens that it would be 1000 gemz then why do you even need it when you get those 100 gemz !
I want it (if it was real)
i think the idea is great but make it 1,000,000,000 coins.
i think it should be 100000000 coins or 50 gems
I wish there would be this shovel :')
I wish this shovel would exist too but we all know it isn't going to happen~
This will never happen. Learn to spell, please, I beg. If this happend though, would be purchased for OVER millions of coins, clearly.
In our dreams ourworld shall lose money.
اريد مجرفه من المطتوعين ارجوكم ههههه ................. I want to shovel from donors hashaha :)
i wanna be a volenter..
Gem shovel *o*
i dont think it will be much usefull since other shovels aren't that usefull .-. .. other wise i think Res or Zoes Get A Gem Mystry box every month as a gift That wont Make OW Loses money tho ! like awards
Something like this can happen. I wish ourworld staff can make an event where you can have a chance to win gems with a regular flows/coins shovel.