because it will be boring withoyt it
ok comment people
yusss omg i was like to some ppl ow should let pixels have pixelsx and make pixel babies
kids these days lol
Hi! This feature has been requested a lot, but there are many legitimate reasons why it most likely will never be implemented. First of all, ourWorld is a game geared toward the teen and tween demographic (straight from the Wikipedia page) however a lot of younger people play it too and even some teens would be uncomfortable with this feature. And I'm pretty sure many parents wouldn't appreciate it either. Second of all, how would the baby work? Would it be A.I? Another player? While having babies on o.W. may seem like a good idea at first thought, there are many valid points on why it's not. There are many fun things to do on our World instead. If you actually bothered to read this whole thing then have a great day XD
Isn't it enough to adopt other players? lol
no i will like having babies cause you dont have to be level 100
Feel free to browse the marketplace for one of the babies that were released years ago in boxes, or maybe make a suggestion to get another baby box?
I'm going to have to agree with others if that was to happen hopefully never it will make younger users feel weird. Plus it's bad enough people go around In game acting like they are at some adult industry doing inappropriate things nobody should do on here.
Uh, this is not IMVU/Second Life
everyone would be having lots of babies then